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Epoxy Resin

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Perekatan Struktural

Perekatan Struktural

Perekatan Struktural adalah metode perekatan dimana lem digunakan pada permukaan substrat yang kemudian ditekan bersama-sama, dan setelah beberapa waktu kedua benda menjadi kuat dan kaku. Lapisan lem antara objek biasanya tipis dan keras.

Pada umumnya, perekatan struktural dengan lem epoksi direkomendasikan dengan kondisi:

  1. Merekatkan jenis bahan yang mirip, misalnya logam dengan logam.

  2. Tidak mengalami tekanan yang berulang-ulang (cyclic load).

  3. Memiliki persyaratan diaplikasikan suhu tinggi dan resisten terhadap kimia.

  4. Dipasang pada objek yang posisinya permanen sampai akhir masa pakai (life cycle).

Our Bonding Fixation Epoxy

TechnoDigmâ„¢ 3-Axis Desktop Dispensing Robots

Our 3-Axis Desktop Dispensing Robots Series robots provide an easy way to automated a wide range of fluid dispensing processes while preserving desktop workspace. The increased efficiency and quality provided by these desktop robots help to improve production output turnover while reducing the number of rejected parts.

TechnoDigmâ„¢ 4-Axis Desktop Dispensing Robots

Our 3-Axis Desktop Dispensing Robots Series robots provide an easy way to automated a wide range of fluid dispensing processes while preserving desktop workspace. The increased efficiency and quality provided by these desktop robots help to improve production output turnover while reducing the number of rejected parts.

TechnoDigmâ„¢ 5-Axis Desktop Dispensing Robots

Our 3-Axis Desktop Dispensing Robots Series robots provide an easy way to automated a wide range of fluid dispensing processes while preserving desktop workspace. The increased efficiency and quality provided by these desktop robots help to improve production output turnover while reducing the number of rejected parts.

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